Raleighs Most Expensive Zip Codes.
The most expensive homes on average are in 27608, the Five Points/Hayes Barton area of Raleigh, with an average sales price up 21% YTD vs. 2022 to $1,217,128.00.
The rest of the top five:
27607- the area west of Hayes Barton at $841,880.00
27523- Partly Apex, Partly Cary with tons of new development in Southern Wake comes in at $821,607.00 up 13% YTD.
27562- New Hill Area $741,926.00
27518-Eastern Cary, Lochmere $708,498.00
Honorable Mention goes to 27606 Southwest Raleigh, Dix Park, Lake Wheeler up 12.4% YTD vs. 2022.
